7 Reasons to Supplement
7 Reasons to Supplement
Blog Article
7 Reasons to Supplement

- Source: pexels.com
It’s drummed into us every single day that it’s important to take care of our health. Regular exercise, a good night’s sleep, a balanced diet, these are all essentials for health to be in one piece. But sometimes, even with the best of efforts, we may fall short in the nutrients that we need. To address these gaps, many turn to supplements, seeking the benefits of supplements to bolster their overall health.
This is where supplementation comes in. Some may argue that supplements are unnecessary, especially if you eat a well rounded diet, but not everybody is the same. Some people don’t absorb vitamins and minerals very well, and other people can’t eat specific foods, which means that they are lacking. Supplementation is always worth considering, and we’ve got some of the reasons for you below.
Let’s explore seven benefits of supplements:
1. It’s backed by science.
Supplements aren’t just about filling in those nutritional gaps that you may be missing, although that’s a good reason to start using supplements. The science behind supplementation is always worth reading into, and a great example of that is the scientific research on C60 and longevity. This is also known as carbon 60, a molecule that’s been studied for its potential to promote longevity in combat oxidative stress.
In simple terms, it has been shown to extend the lifespan of organisms, which means that we could live longer. It’s still in its early stages of research, but is an exciting example of how the science behind supplements can go beyond so much more than just the basics of daily nutrients.
2. It fills in the gaps.
As we said earlier, there are some people that can’t absorb certain vitamins or minerals from food, or you may have had surgeries which means that absorption can become difficult. Even with the best intentions, and every vegetable and fruit in the world, it doesn’t necessarily mean your body is going to take on those vitamins and nutrients the way that it should.
With the help of supplements, you’ll be able to boost your diet and boost your nutritional intake without having to worry that you’re losing out. Understanding the benefits of supplements in this context is crucial for individuals with absorption issues.
3. It can help to improve your immune system.
Without an immune system you spend all of your time in bed very sick. It’s something that works hard every single day to protect you from any illnesses or infections but if you’re not absorbing the right vitamins and minerals, your immune system will tank.

4. You can do more for your health.
Even if you have a balanced diet, supplements still have a place. How much of your diet is there to support your joints and your bones? As we age, these are the areas of the body that show the very first signs of wear and tear, and whether it’s because of osteoarthritis or other bone diseases, you need to do what you can to support your bone health.
As a kid you may have had it drummed into you to drink glasses of milk for calcium, but as an adult, your bones have already stopped forming. Supplementation with other vitamins and minerals can help you to support your bone health better.
5. Supporting your cognitive function.
Mental clarity and focus are essential today, and stress, lack of sleep and aging can all take a toll on cognitive function. There are supplements that can support brain health and improve mental sharpness, and these supplements can enhance your diet and how your diet in your state is helping rather than replace it.

6. Improving your energy levels.
It can be exhausting to constantly feel so sluggish. When you have a busy schedule to keep up with, you need to feel on your best and most energetic behaviour. Diet and sleep for the first places to look when you’re feeling fatigued, but supplements can help here to provide you with an extra boost.

7. You have healthier hair, skin and nails.
Who doesn’t want to look radiant? The state of your skin and hair health is often a reflection of your overall health. If your nails are brittle and your hair is falling out then you’re missing out on certain vitamins and minerals and supplements can help. That’s where exploring the benefits of supplements comes in. Biotin and collagen supplements are well known for their support of healthy hair and nails.